Parametric Space by Zaha Hadid Architects

Zaha Hadid's latest architecture exhibition features glowing funnels that bulge down from the ceiling to greet visitors.

Zaha Hadid collaborated with design office Kollision, research studio CAVI and motion designers Wahlberg to create the Parametric Space installation, which forms part of the architect's solo exhibition at the Danish Architecture Centre in Copenhagen.

Visitors begin by entering a dark rectangular room. As they approach the centre, the four funnels react by gradually illuminating themselves and stretching down towards the ground.

"What appears to be a normal flat ceiling reveals itself as a flexible membrane that starts to glow and physically move," explains Kollision. "Stepping closer to the funnel it moves further down; stepping back the membrane draws itself back, too.

The system is enabled by a pair of motion scanners that continuously collect information about the space and relay it back to the mechanisms and light sources concealed beneath the membrane.

Beads of light also trail across the funnels as they move, following a pattern devised by the architects.

  • Actualmente 0/5 estrellas.

Vistas: 73


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